Saturday, September 8, 2012

A little knitting project for me

This is the project I was wrapping up last time I posted knitting pics.   It's a shawl for me, one meant to keep you warm rather than just looking pretty.   My office can have some weird temperature fluctuations and I usually keep a sweater at work between October and April but I think this shawl will be much better.  I bought the yarn at Stitches East last October on a WEBS closeout and cast on immediately, but then we had that freak winter storm and I was busy (OK, overwhelmed) with grad school and work and home and I set it aside until a few weeks ago.

It's knit in a baby alpaca/merino wool/cashmere (!) blend and it's about the softest thing I've ever felt.  Handwash only, but insanely warm.

Lily saw my shawl and begged me for one.  I have three balls of yarn left, which would be enough to knit a matching shawlette. but I just can't bring myself to use a handwash yarn for a 2 year old.   With the way we do laundry it'd get chucked in her hamper and accidentally felted.   I'm actually knitting a pretty shawlette/wrap out of sock yarn right now and I'll probably let her use it because it'll be the right size and I can wash the heck out of it if necessary.

I'm on a shawl kick at the moment - all lacy pretty things.  Totally counter-intuitive when heading into the cold part of the year, I know.

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